I've got the answer. But nobody will listen, because I'm just an obscure columnist. 

I've got it! The way to fight terrorism. The way to deal with it.

Not the stupid way Bush does it, conquering land like it‘s World War Two. He can't think out of the box, get his head out of WW Two. Occupying land isn't the answer. Terror hides in basements and sneaks on airplanes. There is no "Central Front."

I've got it! Eureka!

We form a federation much like that on Star Trek. Star Trek was way ahead of its time. Now, give me chance to explain before you say "that won't work," or "bullshit!"

It will work.

The Federation of CountriesA federation of countries, kind of like a cross between the United Nations and Interpol (the European anti-crime network of Pink Panther Inspector Clouseau), jointly sharing intelligence, expenses and operatives across the globe, but who approach terrorism as more of an international criminal case than the clumsy blaming of certain countries that goes on now. That only inflames unnecessarily nationalistic and religious hatreds. We know that countries that harbor terrorists like Syria also have good people who want peace including their government officials.

But should we invade Syria and kill three hundred thousand people (including women and children) like we're doing in Iraq? No. Insane.

The Federation. The Federation could put economic heat jointly on rogue countries. The sharing of knowledge is everything.

Who provides leadership? The Federation could be based on a rotating schedule like hosting the Olympic Games. Countries would vote and have veto power in the management of this force.

The force be with you!

It would mean the United States would have to abandon its current idiot "Go it alone" policy which gets us nowhere. The Federation would be an enforcement arm of the UN and would field a small, highly mobile multinational strike force to be called on only when necessary. It would be kind of like a worldwide FBI.

I'm not going to provide specifics, not yet, because this as-yet is still a general concept.

This is a two-pronged plan.

The other is, end dependency on oil. Develop electric cars. We have the technology. The oil companies will fight it because they have a greedy economic stake in keeping you dependent on fossil fuels...for huge profits. They want global warming and polluting cars driven on oil. They don't care about the environment they're destroying, or the air you breath.

Don't you see!


End dependency on oil and you end the blackmail power of Middle Eastern Countries and the strategic stranglehold they hold over us. Without oil, those countries don't need to be invaded. Without oil, those countries are like...like...Cuba. No offense to Cubans, but they'd be just like any other country.

Oil is killing us. End the use of oil.

I know better than the president. And I have no advisors, no big ranch, no big car. He can't be creative.

This plan will involve thinking of the air we breathe instead of greed, the wallet, something America isn't good at.

This plan will involve working in close cooperation with countries other than England, something America isn't good at.

This plan will involve electing officials who put the common good before party ideology, something Americans recently haven't been good at.

This plan will require Americans to stop thinking of themselves as superior to other peoples, something we are good at.

This plan will require some restraint and sound judgment and the wise and most of all efficient...efficient...efficient use of power, both military and economic.

Bush won't do it. He doesn't know how.

We gotta get somebody who will.

©2006, Sammonsays.com. Reprinted with permission.



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