You may have seen the video I posted about how Wall Street changes the law to get legislation favorable to them. If you remember at the end, the banker guy amusingly takes all the kids' money. Veterans of the playground all, the kids protest the fairness of it vociferously and banker guy points out that he just bought the senator for the price of a boat and a fur coat. I gotta wonder how much it cost Wall Street's lobbyists to buy the guys that voted in favor of huge ass banks.

Take a look at the vote roll call from the Senate's website. What's surprising isn't the number of Republicans who voted against it, but the number of Democrats. Diane Feinstein, what are you doing there? Cali is still a bastion of lefty thinking isn't it? I imagine the rest of the California Girls are going to want to have a word with you. Hey Mary Landrieu are you expecting Wall Street to help you clean up all that BP oil by floating you low adjustable rate loans? Is that the plan for your Louisiana constituents? Even Bayh. Really? Really? The people of Indiana don't have enough troubles without you dropping this stink bomb on them as you merrily skip out of office? For the rest of you donkeys: way to leave your POTUS swinging in the wind kids!

OK, look Democrats, if you're wondering why so many of you are facing primary battles it's because when you jump in bed with these lobbyists and get dutch ovened your brains stop working. Now Republicans, they're used to the smell. That's their job in a plutocracy. You Democrats, however, let the fumes go to your head. If you want us to believe that you're doing the people's business, as you so fervently claim in your campaign ads, (except for that pussy Evan Bayh) instead of doing business on the people, you just have to say “No!” when the dump truck full of money arrives at your Georgetown townhouse.

Now, for my friends in the Tea Party, how's that whole government is bad thing working out for you? Do you like letting banks get so big they can can take all of us down the tubes when they go, or are you ready to grow up a little bit? Look, back in the day, when there were, like, five guys within a 50 mile radius, the whole Rugged Individualism® thing might have worked. In a world where you can watch your MILF neighbor on the zero line lot next door, however, you need a little governmental lubrication to keep society functioning smoothly. I know you guys have been preparing for the day when the shit hits the fan and you have to go it alone, but when Lord Humungus' army starts knocking on the door for your supply of fuel, you're going to find yourself looking for someone to cooperate with real quick. Banding together with your fellow man is what civilized life is all about.

Now, my dear reader, I want you to tear yourself away from World of Warcraft long enough to spit an email out to your Senators asking them why they voted the way they did. You'll get a wonderful eyeful of complete obfuscation that I think you'll find extremely amusing. Do me a solid and send it to me here at IRREVERENT. I'll post 'em. I'm going to post the responses I get from my own Senate delegation. It'll be fun, trust me.

Finally, I want to give a shout out to my bro, Matt Taibbi for tuning me into this. When this story hit my news reader, Matt was one of the few actually covering it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that our brave Senators pulled this vote at 8:47 at night when most of the Washington press corps was already three martini's into the evening. Matt, I'd link to your site, but here at IRREVERENT we don't get mad Rolling Stone money so I need these guys to stick around long enough to buy some t-shirts.



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